Are you looking for a new or used ATF wave soldering machine? We have several options for you, so there’s certainly one that meets your needs. C Services in Belgium is specialised in SMT solutions for customers in the electronic industry. Providing our customers with a high-quality wave soldering machine, either new or used, is our main goal.
Find your ideal ATF wave soldering machine here
With a process width of up to 250 mm, the ATF 13/25 offers all you can expect from an up-to-date wave soldering machine. It comes with a dual wave as standard. A lead-free compatible solder pot and spray fluxer are also available. The pump interlock is outstanding: without any tools, they are dismounted within ten seconds. Thanks to this, available space is no issue for thorough maintenance of the solder pot. The microprocessor controller accurately controls the machine and is easy to operate. Optional the ATF 13/25 can be operated with a PC too. Apart from profile management, the PC-software collects SPC data for process documentation. The ATF 13/25 is available as a nitrogen machine as well or could be upgraded at any time.
With a process width of 330 mm, the ATF 23 offers sufficient throughput for most productions but requires very limited space because of its small footprint. Although it is a midsize wave soldering machine, the ATF 23 offers all benefits of high-end wave soldering machines. A dual wave is a standard feature. A lead-free compatible solder pot and a spray fluxer are both available. The highlight is the Auto-Detect feature of the spray fluxer, which automatically recognises the position, width and length of the PCB. Flux is sprayed on this area only. For preheating you can choose among different infrared preheaters and convections. The stop-and-go software assures that even the heaviest PCBs are warmed up to the higher preheat temperature of lead-free. Even more outstanding is the pump interlock: without any tools, they are dismounted within ten seconds. Thanks to this, available space is no issue for thorough maintenance of the solder pot. The microprocessor controller accurately controls the machine and is easy to operate. Optionally, the ATF 23 can be operated with a PC too. Apart from profile management, the PC-software collects SPC data for process documentation. The ATF 23 is available as a nitrogen machine as well or could be upgraded at any time. This wave soldering machine is available with belt and finger conveyor.
With a process width of 330 or 400 mm, the ATF 33 is fit for the highest throughputs and offers all benefits of a high-end wave soldering machine. However, it requires very limited space because of its small footprint. A dual wave is included and both a lead-free compatible solder pot and a spray fluxer are available. There are several highlights: the Auto-Detect feature of the spray fluxer automatically recognises the position, width and length of the PCB. Flux is sprayed on this area only. To make maintenance as easy as possible, the solder pot can be rolled out of the machine completely without removing any cables or connections. Last but not least, by using a second solder pot it is easy and fast to switch from one alloy to another. For preheating a different infrared preheater and convection is available. Equally outstanding is the pump interlock: without any tools, they are dismounted within ten seconds. Thanks to this, available space is no issue for thorough maintenance of the solder pot. The microprocessor controller controls accurately the machine and is easy to operate. Optionally, the ATF 33 can be operated with a PC too. Apart from profile management, the PC-software collects SPC data for process documentation. The ATF 33 is available as a nitrogen machine as well or could be upgraded at any time.
With a length of the preheat zone of 1.70 meter and a process width of 330 or 400 mm, the ATF 43 offers a sufficient capacity for real high-speed productions and offers all benefits of a high-end wave soldering machine. However, it requires very limited space because of its small footprint. A dual wave is included. Both a lead-free compatible solder pot and a spray fluxer are available. There are several highlights: the Auto-Detect feature of the spray fluxer automatically recognises the position, width and length of the PCB. Flux is sprayed on this area only. To make maintenance as easy as possible, the solder pot can be rolled out of the machine completely without removing any cables or connections. Last but not least, by using a second solder pot it is easy and fast to switch from one alloy to another. For preheating, a different infrared preheater and convection is available. The pump interlock is also outstanding: without any tools, they are dismounted within ten seconds. Thanks to this, available space is no issue for thorough maintenance of the solder pot. The microprocessor controller accurately controls the machine and is easy to operate. Optionally, the ATF 43 can be operated with a PC too. Apart from profile management, the PC-software collects SPC data for process documentation. The ATF 43 is available as a nitrogen machine as well, or it can be upgraded at any time. The wave soldering machine is available with belt and finger conveyor.
Each wave soldering machine listed above is available as a newly manufactured machine or a used one. A used wave soldering machine is a great solution for companies who want to own a high-quality machine for a lower price. Apart from ATF, we also sell Electrovert wave soldering machines. Our experts can provide you with professional advice on which solder machine is the best option for your company.
Learn more and place your order
Would you like to buy a brand-new or used wave soldering machine for your company? Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information. You can send an e-mail to, call us at +32 473 38 19 56 or fill in our contact form. We guarantee you will receive your flow solder machine as soon as possible.